Rene Daguerre-Bradford

Vice-Chair of Simsbury Democratic Town Committee & Vice-Chair of Simsbury Democratic Town Committee Elections Committee

Why I serve?  As a lifelong (and for 7 years, professional) Girl Scout and former Peace Corps Volunteer, I have learned to give back to my community and to leave a place better than I have found it. That has been my mantra all my life. I serve to ensure future generations can enjoy the freedoms and environment that too many of us take for granted.

Past or present Boards/Commissions/Volunteer work:  Currently serving as an alternate on the Building Code Board of Appeals.

- Executive Director for the Hamilton County/Chattanooga, TN Democratic Party and a co-coordinator for the Clinton/Gore and Gore/Lieberman campaigns, running canvassing, phone banking and headquarters operations. 

- Volunteer:  I am a habitual volunteer, so just to name some: Tootin’ Hills Parent Association; SHS Wrestling Board; SHS Football; The Ethel Walker School Parent Teacher Association; Girl Scout: Leader, Service Unit Chair, trainer; Boy Scout volunteer; and ESL immigrant tutor.

Employment History:  Currently, Office Manager for Bradford, Perlstein & Associates, LLC

- Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital and Northwest GA Girl Scout Council: Field Director and Older Girl program Specialist

- Chattanooga, TN School District: Third Grade Teacher

Education: B.A. Elementary Education- Bethany College

Why I love Simsbury: Simsbury is a wonderful, quaint community and has been a great place to live and raise our two children. We love the amenities, the schools, the open space for hiking and biking and the menagerie of wildlife that visits our safe pesticide free yard.

Fun Fact:  After college, I joined the Peace Corps “The hardest Job you’ll ever love.”  While serving in Sierra Leone, West Africa, for two rewarding years I met my husband. I taught teachers how to teach, organized and presented health care presentations to mothers and hygienic birthing condition workshop for the midwifes in my chiefdom. I wrote a song about oral rehydration that saved lives during a cholera breakout. The experience and the people taught me so much more than I ever could have given, and I am so appreciative to our country for funding such a program.