Tucker Salls

Chair of the Simsbury Democratic Town Committee and Alternate on the Simsbury Zoning Commission‍

Why I serve?  I have always believed in service to my community and my country. The Democratic Party has given me the opportunity to work as an advocate and an organizer. I became the Chair to give back to the Democratic Party and help it continue to succeed electorally and allow it to continue be a trusted voice of leadership in Simsbury.

Past or present Boards/Commissions/Volunteer work:  Currently a member of the Simsbury Zoning Commission

Employment History:  Currently the Desegregate CT Legislative Director

- Organizer, Center for Latino Progress

- Organizer, Mary Glassman for Congress 2018

Education: B.A. Political Science

Why I love Simsbury: I have lived in Tariffville since I was 6 years old. I currently live in the duplex that my grandmother bought as a young woman and where my father grew up. I went to Tariffville Elementary, Henry James Middle School, and Simsbury High School. When I left home for college and subsequently traveled for work or for the National Guard, I realized just how special Simsbury is. This town is a community that produces excellence. Simsbury provides the safety, security, resources, and education necessary to allow people to thrive and achieve greatness. It is no wonder that this is considered such a desirable place to live, and it is equally unsurprising that our population continues to grow. I sometimes struggle to articulate what specifically makes Simsbury so special. Is it our gorgeous farmland? Our thriving downtown? Our schools? Our historic buildings? What I have come to understand is that there is no one aspect of Simsbury that defines it. What makes us special is that no matter what you want to do or who you want to be, Simsbury has something or someone to help you succeed.

Fun Fact: I am a 2nd generation DTC Chair as my mother, Amy McLean, held this role a few years ago. I am also a 3rd Generation advocate. I follow in the footsteps of my mother who has spent her life advocating for Civil Rights and my grandfather who participated in Civil Rights activism in the Jim Crow Era. Alan McLean participated in the marches at Selma as well as other protests which landed him in jail more than once. I am very proud of my heritage and it has made me the man I am today.