Why do serve? As a teacher, I know the importance not only of public libraries but community programs for all. Simsbury Public Library has many wonderful opportunities for many residents of town and I am looking forward to continuing to support current initiatives as well as new ones to help the library continue to grow. I am excited to continue to inspire, explore, and connect as a member of the Library Board of Trustees.
Employment History: 3rd grade Math and Science teacher
Education: Eastern Connecticut State University Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts. Currently enrolled in a Masters program through Endicott College.
Why I love Simsbury: I love the small town, New England feel when I drive through town and see the different events and programs that go on all year round. There is so much that Simsbury has to offer, and I am eager to lend my skills to the Library Board of Trustees
Fun Fact: I enjoy camping every summer, specifically in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.